ISCRAM2009 has started and here some initial reflections made

ISCRAM2009 has now started and the keynote presentation from Mr Lars Hedström from the Crisis Coordination Secretariat gave an inspiring talk that resulted in interesting Q&A in the end of his presentation. Apparently there are three different issues that Lars would like to see further development:1) Crisis preparedness as part of everyday work ie. being able to quickly react to a sudden event. 2) Persistent monitoring i.e having the capabilities to set up technology and procedures to monitor a specific event or individual objects of that event.3) Strategic assessment i.e continuously early detection and analysis for weak signals on foreseen and unforeseen events based on a scenario-based approach Based on Lars talk, the following issues crossed my mind. Early detection seems to be a challenging area that very well could be applied not only to natural-objects of a disaster such as a earth-quake, infectious deceases or physical threats. My point is that such early detection could also be very valuable for social objects. Would it be possible to monitor the social interactions between various actors of the crisis response system and as early as possible detect that the current mobilization of actors deviate according to plan or other key requirements of the specific situation.

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